(713) 489-7996 Appointment

Breast Augmentation in Houston, TX

Curate Your Curves

Houston Breast Augmentation at Paul F. Fortes MD Plastic Surgery

If you are considering breast augmentation to increase your cup size, improve symmetry, or restore your youthful curves, we are here to help. Our experienced Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul F. Fortes, is dedicated to helping you enhance your natural beauty and boost your self-confidence. We are also available to answer any questions regarding sagging and provide an honest and down-to-earth conversation to give you the necessary information.

Enhancing Your Silhouette

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation (also known as augmentation mammoplasty or breast enlargement) is a surgery designed to enlarge the breasts.

Women who are unhappy with the size of their breasts (sometimes due to pregnancy or weight loss) seek this procedure to help restore confidence and improve the appearance of their breasts. Breast enlargement is also used as a corrective surgery for women who have breasts of different sizes.

The Difference is Bigger

What are the Benefits of Breast Enlargement?

Breast augmentation is usually quite successful at making the breasts larger and fuller. Implanted breasts tend to be a bit more round and less saggy than natural breasts of the same size. Most women consider these differences an improvement. Implants that are filled with saline or silicone are used for breast augmentation procedures. Dr. Fortes will help you select a saline or silicone breast implant that will work best with your body size and lifestyle.

Breast Augmentation Houston

A More Balanced Bust

Breast augmentation using implants offers numerous physical and mental benefits. The procedure can lead to higher self-esteem, improved breast symmetry, better-looking breasts after pregnancy, more attractive cleavage, and a younger-looking appearance. It can also result in new wardrobe options, improved confidence, larger breasts, and a better sex life. The surgery is safe and offers long-lasting results, with a recovery time of about four weeks.

Expertise, Artistry, and Experience

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

A consultation is the pivotal starting point when working towards your desired figure. This personalized assessment will include a detailed discussion of your breast size, shape, and specific goals. Dr. Fortes will cover procedural details, outlining the options for implant type, size, and incision locations. This initial step is essential for aligning your expectations with the potential outcomes and setting the stage for your desired confident and beautiful figure.

Outpatient Surgery

Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast augmentation surgery is normally performed as outpatient surgery under general anesthesia and takes approximately two to three hours. Most patients can return to work within five to six days following breast surgery. Sutures are removed in seven to ten days, and you may need to wear a surgical support bra during the recovery period. You can resume exercise and other strenuous activities after one month. Dr. Fortes will also discuss with you the risks associated with breast enlargement, such as excessive bleeding, infection, or desensitization of the nipples, as well as review the benefits of having this breast augmentation procedure. All breast implants and other cosmetic procedures are performed in our Houston, TX, Cosmetic Surgery Center. Contact Dr. Fortes to discuss your specific procedures today.

A Natural-Looking Confidence Boost

Breast Augmentation Results

Final breast augmentation results can typically be seen around four to six weeks after the procedure. The swelling should have subsided during this time, providing a fairly accurate picture of the final appearance. However, it's important to note that the full recovery from breast augmentation surgery may take about six to eight weeks, with many patients feeling back to normal within this timeframe. Following the recommended recovery timeline and instructions for optimal results is crucial, as individual recovery experiences may vary.

Breast Augmentation Houston

Expand Your Wardrobe

Breast Augmentation Recovery and Aftercare

The recovery time for breast augmentation varies, but full recovery generally takes about six to eight weeks. After a week, most women can return to desk jobs and, after three weeks, to labor-intensive jobs. Investing in recovery bras, preparing your home and wardrobe, and getting assistance with household chores and childcare are essential during the recovery period. Post-surgery, patients may experience discomfort for the first few days, which can be managed with pain medication. The first few days following surgery should focus on rest, relaxing, and listening to your body. Following the doctor's care instructions for proper healing and avoiding complications is crucial.

Breast Augmentation Frequently Asked Questions

New patient-friendly Pay Over Time financing options! Dr. Fortes has partnered with PatientFi to make it even easier for his patients to afford the surgery of their dreams. Monthly breast augmentation payments are as low as $180/month!

Suitable candidates for breast augmentation should be physically healthy and seek the procedure for personal reasons.

Those with unrealistic expectations, untreated breast cancer, or certain medical conditions may not be suitable candidates for breast augmentation.

The timing of breast augmentation in relation to childbirth is a personal decision.

Implant incisions can be made under the breast, around the nipple, in the axillary area, or at the belly button, each with its own advantages in shaping and appearance.

Careful selection of implant type and placement can result in a natural look and feel while avoiding complications such as rippling and capsular contracture.

Sagging breasts may require a breast lift rather than high-profile or moderate-profile implants to achieve the desired results.

Breast implants, whether saline or silicone, should be considered for removal or replacement at 10-15 years to prevent complications.

Care You Can Trust

Place your trust in deserving hands. Explore state-of-the-art options and design your personalized treatment plan with renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Fortes. Your best results are within reach.